2024 National Conference on the Value of Play
Postdoctoral reseracher Hiroki Yamamoto and his RAs, Merna, Sanjana, and Aishwarya, presented posters at the 2024 National Conference on the Value of Play at Indiana University.

NeurIPS 2023 Egocentric Vision Group

NeurIPS 2023
Linda Smith will be delivering a keynote address entitled, "Coherence statistics, self-generated experience, and why young humans are much smarter than current AI" on December 12th at the 37th annual conference on Neural Information Processing Systems in New Orleans. Click here for more information!CogSci 2023
Hadar Karmazyn-Raz presented her research and led a hands-on demonstration at a workshop at the 2023 Cognitive Science Society's annual conference (CogSci): "Putting Interaction Center-Stage for the Study of Knowledge Structures and Processes."
In her demonstration, she used the element of sand to represent the dynamic structure and temporal nature of behavior, while showing how networks can be generated based on the sequences of layers of sand. She illustrated how there are general properties of behavior in time, whether they are layers of sand or the toys a child plays with!

SRCD 2023
At SRCD 2023, Erin Anderson presented her work on the developing visual system and its relationship to the statistics of the infant visual environment at the symposium "How do the statistics of the environment shape the infant mind across domains?"
ICIS 2022, Developmental Cascades
This year the lab travelled to Ottawa to present at the International Congress of Infant Studies! Linda Smith presented at the Presidential Symposium, and several lab members presented talks and posters on their research findings.
ICIS 2018, Building Bridges
International Congress of Infant Studies, Philadelphia
2015, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Learning
Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning, San Sebastian, Spain.